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Why renewable hydrogen

One of the most important civilization challenges today is the decarbonization of the world economy. Geopolitics has led to a situation where reducing emissions must be accompanied by even faster achievement of energy independence and diversification of supplies of conventional energy carriers. Renewable energy plays a vital role in this process.

Hydrogen is recognized as a key fuel because its energy per mass is the highest. The chemical reaction of hydrogen with oxygen releases a significant amount of energy that can be converted into electricity. The by-product is water, which makes these processes zero-emission.

The system architecture that allows hydrogen to be certified as renewable is of fundamental importance for the final profitability of the venture. The production of green hydrogen will not only deliver a unique product to the market, but will also significantly improve the company's carbon footprint balance. This is fully in line with the EU climate policy embodied by the Green Deal with the breakthrough legislative package “Fit for 55” adopted by the entire Council of the European Union in December 2020. The consensus is to enable the achievement of the 55% carbon reduction target by 2030.

What is obtained from renewable hydrogen production process

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We support the process of achieving climate neutrality leveraging the potential of green hydrogen

We support investors in the operation and maintenance of technological processes in new installations, as well as in the sale of green hydrogen, green chemicals and medical oxygen


We deliver general contracting processes by implementing turnkey projects. We are an Integrator of technologies provided by the best manufacturers


In addition, we actively develop technologies for the use of green hydrogen in high-efficiency cogeneration

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